Saturday, January 16, 2010

More WIP

I just realized I have fnished absolutely NOTHING during past couple a days. I start something, draw it for about an hour and then start doing something else, totally forgetting of the drawing I had been working with. Oh well.

A bit older WIP of Wasp. I'm not absolutely sure, but I think I started this about a week ago..? This one is almost ready, but I should come up with an idea for the background, and I suck at things like that.

A pic of the twins I started yesterday. This is my first actual attemp (not counting the random scribbles in my notebooks) to draw Jetstorm. He's turning out pretty well I think, due to the fact he's just so friggin' hard to draw. D:
I'm going to finish this one tonight, so you'll see the outcome at the latest tomorrow.

That was it for today. I may be submitting the outcome of the twins picture later tonight, if I'll finish it before my internet cuts.

I just remembered that I've been asked what is the drawing program I use. It's Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0, for everyone interested <:

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