Sunday, January 31, 2010

First of all, I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been suffering a horrible artblock and everything I draw seems horrible and ugly for me.

Also, my exams are starting tomorrow. haven't been studying at all, and it seems like I'll fail at least chemistry and maths, maybe Svedish. English and Finnish are the only subjects I'm doing good at. This has been a horrible period, needless to say.

As I told you, I haven't been drawing much lately. Here are the only works I've finished during this week and a few older pieces.

My version of HumanError!Bumblebee. I sketched and lined this almost a month ago (when I was ttly unable to draw robots), but finished just couple a days ago.

Finally, a proper character sheet of my TFA OC! I fooled around with his desing a bit more, and decided to name him Scoot (oh how creative<3). I hope you'll be able to read my horrible handwriting.

And now for the older shit.

Tino Väinämöinen(Finland) from Hetalia. This one's really old. I think I drew this around the time I got my tablet (october...?), when I still was a HUGE fan of Hetalia. (And now I wonder why haven't I posted this anywhere before now...)

This one takes place a couple days after christmas, I think? I had started playing KH358/2 and yeah. Demyx is my fav KH character 4ever<3

If I kept on digging through my folders, I'd probably find some more older stuff, but these will do for today.

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