Monday, January 18, 2010

Lol no twins this tiem 8D

Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I promised, Blogspot just stopped working all of sudden. But nevermind, I lost my inspiration soon after writing my last post and only managed to finish one drawing.

Oh,and before I forget! Couple a days ago I discovered a totally awesome fanfic and I highly recommend to read it. And now on to teh art!

A strange Idea that popped in my mind two days ago and kept bugging me so much I just HAD to draw it. And really, I have no idea where Blurr managed to find a snail that big. It has to be size of a, like... half a human or so. :'D

Practice on drawing Shockwave and Longarm. This is not anything special, but I love Shocky's expression so much I have to post this one too : D

Anyone remember the TFA OC I posted to DA a while ago? Well, I messed around with her desing a little bit and BANG! here is a slightly updated version. The biggest change is probably their gender, which I changed because my friend demanded it (she has always been calling my scooter "him" and this character is desinged after my scooter). I kind of agree with her, because now I like this still-temporarily-nameless bot a lot more! I'd also appreciate really much, if you commented a suggestion for his name. You'll find some needed information from the comments under the original desing. Thanks!

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