Sunday, January 31, 2010

First of all, I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been suffering a horrible artblock and everything I draw seems horrible and ugly for me.

Also, my exams are starting tomorrow. haven't been studying at all, and it seems like I'll fail at least chemistry and maths, maybe Svedish. English and Finnish are the only subjects I'm doing good at. This has been a horrible period, needless to say.

As I told you, I haven't been drawing much lately. Here are the only works I've finished during this week and a few older pieces.

My version of HumanError!Bumblebee. I sketched and lined this almost a month ago (when I was ttly unable to draw robots), but finished just couple a days ago.

Finally, a proper character sheet of my TFA OC! I fooled around with his desing a bit more, and decided to name him Scoot (oh how creative<3). I hope you'll be able to read my horrible handwriting.

And now for the older shit.

Tino Väinämöinen(Finland) from Hetalia. This one's really old. I think I drew this around the time I got my tablet (october...?), when I still was a HUGE fan of Hetalia. (And now I wonder why haven't I posted this anywhere before now...)

This one takes place a couple days after christmas, I think? I had started playing KH358/2 and yeah. Demyx is my fav KH character 4ever<3

If I kept on digging through my folders, I'd probably find some more older stuff, but these will do for today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lol no twins this tiem 8D

Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I promised, Blogspot just stopped working all of sudden. But nevermind, I lost my inspiration soon after writing my last post and only managed to finish one drawing.

Oh,and before I forget! Couple a days ago I discovered a totally awesome fanfic and I highly recommend to read it. And now on to teh art!

A strange Idea that popped in my mind two days ago and kept bugging me so much I just HAD to draw it. And really, I have no idea where Blurr managed to find a snail that big. It has to be size of a, like... half a human or so. :'D

Practice on drawing Shockwave and Longarm. This is not anything special, but I love Shocky's expression so much I have to post this one too : D

Anyone remember the TFA OC I posted to DA a while ago? Well, I messed around with her desing a little bit and BANG! here is a slightly updated version. The biggest change is probably their gender, which I changed because my friend demanded it (she has always been calling my scooter "him" and this character is desinged after my scooter). I kind of agree with her, because now I like this still-temporarily-nameless bot a lot more! I'd also appreciate really much, if you commented a suggestion for his name. You'll find some needed information from the comments under the original desing. Thanks!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jet twins picture - finished!

Some of you may have noticed from DA already, but I really managed to finish the Jet twins picture last night : D I was just being really tired when I finished it (around 4am) and only submitted it to DA before getting some sleep.

I think this turned out really well, considering the fact I just can't get Jetstorm right. And I actually had FUN drawing this!

I may be updating again later today, because I really feel like drawing today. Look forward to it! ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

More WIP

I just realized I have fnished absolutely NOTHING during past couple a days. I start something, draw it for about an hour and then start doing something else, totally forgetting of the drawing I had been working with. Oh well.

A bit older WIP of Wasp. I'm not absolutely sure, but I think I started this about a week ago..? This one is almost ready, but I should come up with an idea for the background, and I suck at things like that.

A pic of the twins I started yesterday. This is my first actual attemp (not counting the random scribbles in my notebooks) to draw Jetstorm. He's turning out pretty well I think, due to the fact he's just so friggin' hard to draw. D:
I'm going to finish this one tonight, so you'll see the outcome at the latest tomorrow.

That was it for today. I may be submitting the outcome of the twins picture later tonight, if I'll finish it before my internet cuts.

I just remembered that I've been asked what is the drawing program I use. It's Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0, for everyone interested <:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Busy day

God I'm tired! I've had no time at all to rest today, I've had so much to do all the time. My schoolday started at eight and ended around two o'clock. Then I hade to make some food for my parents who hadn't returned from work yet and tidy my room for a bit, because my friend was coming over for a "dollfie-day". When she arrived, we instantly started sewing and doing our dollfies' faceups and such. It took over four hours total, and she left just a moment ago.

Due to the fact I've been so busy all day, I had no chance to finish any of my WIPs, so all I can give you today is couple of older works and one work in progress. Sry guys. (WARNING! Way too much Jetfireness ahead!)

Just a practice to understand his head desing better. My first Jetfire ever.

Most of you have already seen this on DA, but I like this one so much I'm still putting it up here. I think this was my first time trying to draw Jetfire's body.

THE GREATEST NEW MOON FANART EVER DONE!!!!!12345!! I bet you never guessed this coming :'D It's a totally random scribble I did when I was having a sleepover with my friend Jassu about a month ago.
And now for something a little less strange.

The WIP I promised you. It was supposed to be a practice of robots' facial expressions and poses, but turned out as an angsty pic of Jetfire(SURPRISE!). I'm going to add Jetstorm somewhere to the picture, and maybe something else... You'll see when I get to finish this.

That was it for today, hope I didn't bur anyone's eyes with that Twilight "fanart" :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First post + First meme

Hello for every little creature reading this!

I decided to make my own artblog, since I don't want to spam my blog at IRC-gallery (a very popular Finnish online community) with my art, nor do I want to put my doodles and scribbles up to Deviantart.

Since this is my first post here, I think I should tell you something about myself. I'm a 16-years-old girl from a little town in Finland (I hope you'll understand the fact that my english isn't perfect as I'm not a native speaker). I started in local high-school at fall 2009 and I'm planning to study arts when I'll graduade. I have intrest in quite many things, drawing, music, japanese culture and TRANSFORMERS!!!!123 for example.
I have nothing else to say right now. I hope you'll enjoy my writings and art : D

And to honor my first post, I'll give you a Transformers:Animated meme (first meme I've ever done) I did another day. Enjoy the scribbleness!

And because the picture seems to be so small it's impossible to read, have a link to bigger version (In Deviantart, sorry) Onwards to DA!