Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tigergirl - Tiikerityttö

Last monday, we had to write short stories (kinda) on our Finnish class. Here's what I came up with (translated into English) and a related artwork.

"I watch out of the window. Raindrop. Raindrop. Raindrop. My thoughts are wandering, I'm thinking about you. Why can't I remember the sound of your voice anymore? Your smile is also fading, fading, fading from my mind

I can see my own reflection on the rain-striped glass. Am I crying? My hair's all messed up, my makeup's running down my face in streams. Black stripes. Tikergirl, survivor.

I reach to touch the striped reflection in front of me. Our fingertips brush, but I feel no warmth. Icy coldness. "You're so pathetic", I whisper and the Tigergirl on the window repeats my words. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. I pull my hand away, but the cold feeling stays. Without you, there's no warmth, laughter, nothing. Only the comfortless Tikergirl on the window keeps me company.

During those months, it was raining endlessly. In the both sides of my window."