Sunday, March 14, 2010

The EPIC HUGE post.

Tadadaa, it's time for the MASSIVE post! I don't have anything special to brag about right now, so let's just get on to the pictures.

This is my latest school project, a little study of space. It's made of carboard, wooden sticks, paper, fabric and acrylic paints.
Here's a couple of detail shots for ya.

The desk.

Posters above the desk.

And the wastepaper basket.

Here's another schoolwork. My teacher suggested me to paint something after I had finished the space study and I chose to do something with watercolors, since I hadn't used them since junior high. The painting itself is kinda HUGE, so it would have been impossible to squeeze it into our scanner, that's why I decided to take a photo of it.

A closeup of the face, 'cause I relly like how it turned out, especially the eye.

This one's from the sketchbook I carry with me wherever I go. And why isn't this scanned? Because I'm super lazy and not even sure if our scanner works.

Just like the oe above, this one's from my sketchbook. And all I can say about this is SHOCKWAVE<3

Now onto all the crap I scribble on my notes when I get bored during classes. Which means during every class of the day.

A little self portrait, made just a couple days ago during maths(?).

Maybe my first succesful attemp to draw Jetstorm with his visor on 8D I'm really proud of this.

Character sketches for a Humanized!WaspxBee fic I'm (maybe) going to write.

More character sketces.

...And more.

I don't like Sari, but she sure is fun to draw. Maybe because of her colors?

Just... Don't ask.


...And a closeup to the tiny Shocky on the corner.

A doodle I made during my psychology class. I liked how this turned ou SO...

...I lent our school's illuminated desk and copied the lines to better paper and coloured it!

Seems like that's it for all the crappy sketchiness!

Before I go, I'll gift you my current work in progress, loosely based on one AWESOME fic written by Lizzleby...

...and a picture of where I am right now.

Again, clicking on the pictures makes them bigger(but I don't recommend it because they're HUGE). Thank you all for stopping by<3

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